British Values

Promoting British Values and the Prevent Duty at Tiddlers Nursery, Preschool and Chuckles after school club!

Statement of intent

Teaching British values is an integral part of the early years, it is a requirement of the EYFS and, as part of Ofsted's inspections, early years providers are now inspected on how these values are promoted and taught within the setting. We at Tiddlers and Chuckles promote British values by:

• Promoting British values as defined by DfE – which are already embedded in our day-to-day work with children
• Teaching children more about the world in which they live and developing their understanding of life in modern Britain.
The intention of this new legislation, linked to the Prevent duty for England and Wales, is that all children including the very young are protected from being radicalised at an early age.
British Values Tiddlers Day Nursery
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