Our Food

Statement of intent
Tiddler’s nursery, preschool and Chuckles regards snack and meal times as an important part of the settings day. Snack and lunch times are social opportunities for children and help to develop appropriate table manners and promote healthy lifestyles and well being. 

We aim to meet the full requirements of Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and to provide healthy, balanced, varied and nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary and religious needs. 

Here at Tiddlers/Chuckles our food is five stars, or in the words of Noah (aged 4 yrs) deeeelicious, or Danielle (aged 3yrs) Scrumptious.    
We provide our children with mid-morning and mid-afternoon healthy snacks along with a freshly cooked lunch and tea. 
Reviewed and approved by an experienced nutritionist and working alongside the 'Healthy Eating Campaign' by B.A.N.E.S. schools, our seasonal menus are designed to feed your child with a healthy and balanced diet. 
 We use the menus developed by Early Years Catering service that provide food which meets and exceeds the government’s compulsory minimum nutritional requirements.

Which includes:
•A balanced diet with plenty of variety
•Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
•Plenty of food rich in calcium and iron
In addition to these guidelines we also:
•Use no artificial additives or salt in the preparation of our meals
•Source local and seasonal ingredients
•Offer a varied menu which will help to develop children’s tastes
•Cater for all dietary & cultural requirements
Food hygiene rating 5

Weaning Foods & under 1’s

We understand that children are often at different stages of the weaning process and because of this we offer a range of lunches and desserts suitable for 9-12 month old children and a selection of weaning foods suitable for 6 months and above.

Once you start to wean your baby we will work with you to introduce foods slowly and liquidise food accordingly and eventually enabling them to enjoy the full Tiddlers menu. 

For parents who are breastfeeding their child we welcome you feed your child within the setting or express your milk which will be stored in a suitable way

Special Dietary Requirements

We cater for all dietary and cultural requirements including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free, dairy free and nut free. All staff members are aware of any special requirements that your child may have. 

Our aim is to provide high quality healthy meals that the children will enjoy. 

Food Hygiene 

Food Hygiene is considered of the upmost important and all staff who serve or handle food are trained in Food Hygiene during their induction and as part of their CPD. 

Meal times

We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food, pouring there drinks and feeding themselves, promoting hand eye co-ordination, self-esteem and increase their confidence in own abilities. Staff members sit with children at meal times to encourage social interactions during meals. 

Snack Time  

As children may be hungry at different times, by providing a rolling snack, the children have a choice of when they would like to eat and snack time becomes an integrated activity within the session. 

Cookery Bags

As part of the department of Health award preschool have developed four cookery bags for parents/carers to borrow and use at home with their children. These bags contain a laminated recipe sheet, utensils and resources needed, a game and a book also included a feedback sheet, and all the parents need to buy is the ingredients. 

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